2024 Local Events


2nd: Garrettsville Village Safety Forces Food Drive, Save-A-Lot 9am-1pm

6th: Chamber meeting at Community EMS

9th: Scholarship Fundraiser, Eagles Club, 2-5

16th: St. Patrick's Day Reverse Raffle, St. Ambrose, 6pm

17th: St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, Garrettsville Downtown, Carriage Rides and Face Painting

21st: Buckeye Block Fundraiser, Sip N’ Paint at the Mill, 6pm

22nd: Adult Easter Egg Hunt, Slim & Jumbos, 6pm

23rd: VP Realty Easter Egg Hunt, Garrettsville Library, 1-3

24th: Spring Fling Easter Egg Hunt, Corners Catering Center, Mantua 12-2


11th: Summerfest Casino Bus Trip

13th: Buckeye Block Fundraiser, Scotch Doubles, Sky Lanes, 7pm

19th: JAG Sports Boosters Night at the Races, St Josephs Hall


17th-19th: Garrettsville Garage Sales

25th: Car Cruise, Main Street Garrettsville, 5pm


6th: Garrettsville Farmer’s Market Begins, Thursdays, 4-7

22nd: Car Cruise, Sky Lanes Garrettsville, 5pm

28th-30th: SUMMERFEST, Downtown Garrettsville


6th: Opening the Time Capsule from 1924, Garrettsville Clock Tower, 11am

13th: Art on the Hill, Downtown Mantua, 10am-6pm

13th: Christmas in July Car, craft and vendor show, Freedom Town Hall, 10-3

19th-21st: OX ROAST FAIR, St. Joseph’s Church, Mantua

20th: Car Cruise, Main Street Garrettsville, 5pm

27th: Sip N’ Shop on Main, Main Street, Garrettsville, 12-8pm


7th: 10th Annual Octane Nights on Main Street, Ravenna, 3-9pm

10th: Car cruise and peach social, Garrettsville Fire Department, 

18th: Freedom Township Community Picnic, Freedom Town Hall Pavilion, noon


13th: Derthick's Corn Maze opens on weekends

19th-22nd: Balloon-A-Fair, Ravenna

20th: Robert Kroeger visits with food, vendors & Art Auction, Shalersville Historical Society 

28th: Fall festival car, craft, and vendor show, Freedom Town Hall, 10-4

28th: 3rd annual Fall festival and chili contest, Buckeye Block downtown Garrettsville



2nd & 3rd: Fall Adventure Horse Trail Ride, Derthick's Corn Maze, BYOH

7th-17th: Christmas Walk, Downtown Garrettsville, First two weekends


14th: Cookies with Santa, Freedom Town Hall, 1-3pm